Circle Climate Corporation "CCC"
USD$ 1 Million
One million CCC shares to be placed out at US$1 per share, minimum lot of US$2,500 each.
USA Investor
International Investor
About CCC

The Problem

There simply is not enough box and paper plant recycling capacity in the US.
Sixty-three percent (63%) of all US boxes and paper are either not being recycled or being shipped overseas for recycling, something completely unacceptable in today’s world struggling to fight climate change and environmental degradation.
The challenge is how to make it profitable enough to attract the needed capital to build out the needed plants. And, to make it clean and quiet enough so that politically those plants can be built locally instead of shipping half-way around the world for processing.
Breaking it down, 33% of all US boxes and paper collected by US trash companies are now being dumped in scarce landfills.
Of the remaining 67% that is recycled, 45% is unnecessarily being shipped overseas for processing rather than in the US, primarily in Southeast Asia. This represents 30% of all US boxes and paper consumed per year (33%+30%=63% of all paper and boxes consumed in the US need US based recycling capacity).
This is causing more trees to be chopped down while the best scientific research from MIT and elsewhere has concluded that the most cost-effective, immediate, and scalable action humans can take to ameliorate the negative impacts of climate change is to simply stop destroying the trees that currently exist.,
The US Forest Service determined, “Trees are climate change, carbon storage heroes.” The Nature Conservancy says, “Our greatest advances in carbon-capture technology don’t hold a candle to trees in terms of efficiency or cost, and the US Department of Agriculture has determined that “one tree takes in 48 pounds of carbon per year.”
For the 45% of boxes shipped halfway around the world for processing, around 50% of the environmental benefits of recycling are offset by the extra shipping and logistics.
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The Solution

Further, CCC is working with AAA Carbon Offsets (a division of Seagate Global Resources LLC and owner of HGR) to obtain its AAA rating for CCC’s carbon offsets to help monetize them. This potential income is not included in CCC’s pro forma income projections due to the current uncertainty in the private carbon offset market, and are unneeded for CCC’s business model. However, we believe that the current carbon offset market setbacks will only make CCC’s carbon offsets more sought after and valuable in the future.
Market experts at Bloomberg, Morgan Stanley, and others forecast that the price of carbon offsets could rise as much as 3,000% by 2030., That may be optimistic, but even at lower price points, income from carbon offsets for CCC could be very substantial over time. Investing in CCC is thus a free option on the carbon offset market while providing a superior risk rate of return.
Subject to negotiation, CCC may allocate AAA Carbon Offsets for no cost to investors worth more than their actual investment (depending on market prices and assumptions), making an investment in CCC essentially free.
Also, our AAA Carbon Offsets may be combined with other products or tree planting strategies to create new compelling hybrid products.
Market Size

According to the American Forest & Paper Association the US consumes around 66 million tons of paper and paperboard per year, of which 68% is currently being recycled, or 45 million tons per year. This leaves a US market of 21 million tons per year yet to be recycled to reach 100% recycle rate, but for the want of new US recycling capacity which Circle Climate is building.
Of that 45 million tons of US boxes being recycled now per year, 45%, or around 20.3 million tons, is being uneconomically placed in shipping containers and shipped overseas to be processed.
Therefore, Circle Climate’s total market size is 41 million tons of boxes and paper per year to be recycled in the US. This is a very big market open to CCC.
Pain Points

US paper companies are mainly tooled to use virgin pulp. The recycled paper pulp market is dominated by Chinese companies. Most US companies lack the expertise and critical relationships to bridge the critical gap between the US and China to transition the industry back to the US.
There is a misperception that the large US trash companies (as opposed to paper companies) are recycling companies. That is not entirely true. The business model for the largest US trash companies is to collect, sort and then dump or sell to middlemen that often deliver to Chinese paper companies in Southeast Asia for initial processing, which is then shipped to China to be turned into finished recycle products, of which some is shipped back to the US. This represents up to 45% of all US recycled boxes.
It is a clubby wholesale insider’s market that requires long standing and deep relationships earned by performing over many years to obtain supply from US suppliers, and large factory customers that buy only from established sellers. If you do not fit that profile, you will not be able to enter the market.
CCC has solved this problem in its partnership with Harbor Green Recycling LLC (HGR), an expert in the US-China recycled box and paper trade. Its principals have developed a track record of performance since 2014, having recycled over 1 billion boxes. HGR has a positive name in this market. HGR is the exclusive service provider in a JV relationship wherein HGR sources the feedstock for CCC, and then buys 100% of CCC’s recycled paper pulp, locking in a high rate of return for CCC franchisees.
CCC will initially sell some recycled paper pulp back to China during the critical transition phase making CCC quickly cash flow positive, but keep increasing amounts of the pulp in the US to manufacture into finished recycled paper products for the US market. Thus, CCC will capture the highest value-added ROI portions of the recycling continuum while propagating substantial environmental benefits.
Suppliers in the US are eager for and supportive of HGR to expand US recycling capacity via CCC and are willing to sign long-term contracts for very large quantities of boxes and paper as they often must pay punitive landfill tipping fees for material that is supposed to be recycled, often by law.
On the customer side, to operate in this wholesale market requires deep relationships and understanding of the China market which most US companies do not have. CCC has this through its relationship with HGR which will be contracted to operate operations, procurement, sales, and most operational aspects, receiving years of hard earned technical expertise others lack.
The next pain point is access to licenses in the US. CCC through HGR has access to current licenses in California, and is ready to pull licenses in Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and other Western States, having spent over 5 years developing critical local relationships such as the Governor of Nevada and the Treasurer of California. This is a sea-change from when the current supply was constructed 30 years ago. Most in the US were simply happy to see the trash disappear overseas. Those days are over, and CCC is at the forefront of the new wave of onshoring and environmentalism. CCC has a five-year head-start over many competitors. Plus, our smaller clean plant strategy minimizes local opposition.
Logistics is another pain point as the recycling business requires moving large amounts of used boxes around the US and internationally. HGR is providing a complete logistics package to CCC, managing all the logistics through its dedicated logistics partner CTC Logistics, a highly experienced logistics company expert in moving large quantities of boxes and paper for decades.
On the technology side, HGR is providing CCC with the latest new patented equipment from China, the world’s largest and most cost-efficient supplier of such equipment. CCC equipment will be the latest generation of new recycling equipment which is 20% more efficient by eliminating most wastage of current equipment. There is little technology risk in CCC’s strategy.
The final barrier to entry is funding, which is in short supply. US Climate Czar John Kerry highlighted the money problem at the WEF in Davos in 2022 and challenged everyone to do more, now. It is easy to see why if you listen to the Harvard Business Review which found that most ESG investments have underperformed and do not deliver better ESG results.
The problem is not lack of money, it is lack of performance and verifiable environmental benefits. In fact, demand for socially responsible investments continues to grow according to McKinsey & Co.
CCC has solved this problem with its unique strategy which should provide high returns on a risk-controlled basis while delivering AAA, verifiable, environmental benefits.
Strategic Analysis

Financial Forecast


Frequently Ask Questions
The current share price for a subscription is $1.
The Company has a total of 150,000,000 Common Shares issued at $0.0001 per share and is offering 1,000,000 Common Shares in this private placement at $1.00 per share to raise a total of $1 million. The minimum subscription for Common Shares is $2,500.
The target raise in this private placement is US$1 million and is to be used for working capital to fulfill sales orders.
To participate in CCC’s private placement, you can contact our investor relations team for more information. The minimum subscription for Common Shares is $2,500, and shares are priced at $1.00 per share. We welcome investors who share our vision of a more sustainable future to join us in our mission.
Investing in CCC not only offers the potential for financial returns but also supports our mission of increasing recycling rates and reducing environmental impact. As we continue to grow and expand our operations, investors have the opportunity to be part of a company that is making a positive difference in the world while also generating profits.
For more information about Circle Climate Corporation (CCC), our mission, and our private placement offering, please contact our investor relations team. We are committed to transparency and are happy to answer any questions you may have about our company and our vision for a more sustainable future.
There is a significant lack of box and paper plant recycling capacity in the United States, with 63% of all US boxes and paper either not being recycled or being shipped overseas for recycling. This practice is environmentally damaging and unsustainable in the face of climate change and environmental degradation.
CCC’s solution involves disrupting the current uneconomic and environmentally damaging supply chain by constructing a network of new, smaller, more efficient, and environmentally friendly recycling plants in the US. By doing so, CCC aims to increase the US box and paper recycling rate from 67% to 100% and recycle 100% of that within the US.
CCC’s solution offers numerous benefits, including:
- Recycling boxes that are currently not being recycled.
- Preserving mature trees, which act as carbon sinks.
- Conserving disappearing landfills and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
- Reducing consumption of electricity, oil, water, and gas.
- Creating well-paying local jobs.
- Eliminating unnecessary shipping and logistics pollution.
- Accessing US subsidies only available to new US-based recycling plants, providing a cost advantage over competitors.
- Offset the use of plastics in packaging with recycled paper products.
By reorganizing and decarbonizing the box and paper recycling supply chain, CCC’s solution transforms it from a marginal business to a profitable one, attracting additional capital needed to scale. CCC’s strategy aligns with nine of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, making a meaningful contribution to the battle against climate change.
CCC is working with AAA Carbon Offsets to obtain its AAA rating for carbon offsets generated by its operations. While income from carbon offsets is not included in CCC’s pro forma income projections, market experts forecast substantial growth in the carbon offset market, potentially providing significant income over time. Investing in CCC provides a free option on the carbon offset market while offering a superior risk rate of return.
Circle Climate’s total market size is approximately 41 million tons of boxes and paper per year to be recycled in the US. This represents a substantial market opportunity for CCC to address with its innovative recycling solutions.
Several barriers hinder entry into the recycling industry. US paper companies primarily use virgin pulp, while the recycled paper pulp market is dominated by Chinese companies. Additionally, there’s a misconception that large US trash companies handle recycling, but their business model often involves collecting, sorting, and then exporting materials overseas for processing.
Entering the recycling market requires long-standing relationships and expertise, making it challenging for newcomers to navigate. However, CCC has addressed these barriers through a partnership with Harbor Green Recycling LLC (HGR), which brings expertise and a positive reputation in the US-China recycled box and paper trade.
CCC’s partnership with HGR, access to licenses, cutting-edge technology, and commitment to environmental stewardship position it as a leader in the recycling industry. With a five-year head-start over competitors and a focus on onshoring and environmentalism, CCC is poised to make a significant impact in the market while delivering tangible benefits to investors and the environment.
The minimum subscription for Common Shares is $2,500.
Investors could potentially gain 40%, 275%, and 863% for the FY 2024, 2025, and 2026, respectively, based on forecasted profit after tax and a price-earning multiple of 20 times.
No, the illustration provided serves as a forecast of potential gains and does not guarantee performance. Like any other investment, there are risks that the forecasted gains may not be realized due to various factors such as inaccuracies, wrong assumptions, ineffective execution, and other reasons.
Investors should study all forecasts carefully, considering factors such as assumptions, risks, and potential variations, before making investment decisions. Making informed decisions involves understanding the uncertainties and risks associated with investment forecasts.
100% of the funds raised will be used as working capital to fulfill sales order.
For any inquiries or assistance regarding the capital raise or use of funds, please contact our investor relations department at Our team will be happy to address any questions or concerns you may have.